The Mescousin River runs nearly the entire length of the state of Wisconsin. Much of the river has a sandy bottom, so the river is continually changing. Sandbars appear suddenly, then slip away just as quickly. A perfect camping spot one season is underwater the next. In the same way, the flow of time has turned over and transformed the name of this river. When French explorers arrived in the 17th century, they were told by the Fox people that the river was called Mescousing. Within a few years they were calling it the Ouiscousin, then the Ouisconsing, and eventually settled on the Wisconsin. We’ve chosen the name Mescousin as a nod to another time; not so far off in years, but truly a different world.
With an elegantly traditional blade shape these are graceful in and out of the water. They’re perfect for lazy turns around the lake or for gracing the wall of your cabin.
*Includes 2 ash paddle hangers.